You are here: Record management > Rule and application testing > PegaUnit testing > Automated Testing landing page

Automated Testing landing page

In the Test Cases tab of the Automated Testing landing page, you can view, open, and run PegaUnit test cases in your application. You can also export all test cases in Excel format and to create test suites from the test cases that you select.

In the Test Suites tab, you can create, view, open, and run PegaUnit test suites.

If you have the AutomatedTesting privilege enabled, you can click Switch to old version to view and use the Automated Unit Testing (AUT) landing page. See the PDN article Pega 7.2.2 and later behavior when switching between PegaUnit testing and Automated Unit Testing features.

AUT information is available on the Testing Applications landing page on the PDN and in the Automated Unit Testing topics in the Pega 7.2.1 help.